Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lauren is pretty stable right now. They stopped replacing her fluids to see what her body
will do on its own. Thinks looked ok but she is starting to show the signs of being dehydrated tonight. The drs are coming by at 11pm tonight to reevaluate. Otherwise she is up and more interactive and playing some. Her seizures are still clustering, (had 3 gradmals in 1 hour time-with them every 2 hours during her sleep.) so time will tell if she goes in a bad state with her seizures. But right now she is still recovering from them. In the morning we do another drop in her wean- so hope all will go well.


Alisha said...

You are all in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you for keeping us updated.

ktdidoo said...

My daughter has been through alot of the same things. I understand what you are going through. If you ever want to talk my e-mail is ktdidoo@hotmail.com. One of my daughters has dance with one of your friends daughters here in California.