Saturday, September 18, 2010

Lauren was moved out of ICU yesterday. She has moments where she is somewhat happy and interactive, but most of the time she lays pretty out of it. We reduced the ACTH from 80 units a day to 40 units on Friday. Her urine out put has gone down a little, but still over 3 times the normal amount. So they are still replacing fluids most of the day. She is also still on the oral and IV concentrate potassium. Last night she had 4 grandmal seizures through the night and then had another one when she woke up this morning. That usually is a sign to us that things are going to get bad. She was treated with IV Valium and has been good (seizure wise) the rest of the day. Coming off the medicine is probably going to be bad on her seizures even though the seizures were not that many before, its just any changes with Lauren and her brain freaks out. So we have to get her off the ACTH fast but it is probably throw her in a bad seizure cycle. The idea was thrown out to start her back on the ketogenic diet when her body stabilizes, but I am to tired to think through that right now. Tomorrow (Sept 19th) is Lauren's 5th birthday, so we will go up and try to celebrate it best we can.


The Starbuck Family said...

I am so sorry to hear that she is in the hospital again. Her poor little body. You are in our prayers. Hang in there. We love you guys! Happy Birthday Lauren!

tnt71206 said...

I hope she had a good birthday! Let her know I love her and I miss being able to be her primary teacher! You are all still in my thoughts and prayers!

Fawn said...

I just read your four most recent posts. I am so sad to read about how hard this has been for Lauren! Oh, it's just so unfair. :(

Jennybell said...

I'm so sorry to hear all this! And that 4 grand mal seizures at night then one when she wakes is a sign that bad times are coming. That sounds bad enough! Poor Lauren and all your family! Hope things improve.